Victoria Potato Farm Inc.

Welcome to Victoria Potato Farm Inc. in Victoria, PEI, the home of third-generation potato farmer Jordan Visser and his wonderful family!

Apart from growing up on the farm, Jordan made the decision to enter the field of agriculture as he finds immense satisfaction in seeing his efforts transform into something valuable for many people – exceptional, locally grown vegetables.

With years of insight and experience under his belt, Jordan thoroughly recognizes the importance of diversifying farming practices to promote soil health and sustainability. This is part of the reason why the Vissers are not only found planting potatoes but also an array of crops such as wheat, barley, soybeans, and sorghum sudangrass.

“Soil is our #1 commodity; if we don’t have good soil health, we’re not going to be able to grow anything.” 

Jordan Visser, Victoria Potato Farm Inc. 

In their efforts to become more environmentally sustainable, Jordan’s farm has also taken on soil-building rotation crops, implemented erosion control structures, reduced their tillage practices, and adopted precision agriculture technologies. 

For Jordan, being part of the East Prince Agri-Environment Association (EPAA) and engaging in research projects is not just a way to improve their farming operations but also a chance to connect with others that wish to provide innovative solutions to current issues in agriculture. 

“I’d recommend doing [research] trials if you would like to stay ahead of the curve.” 

Jordan Visser, Victoria Potato Farm Inc. 

It is Jordan’s hope to promote economic profitability, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility for the benefit of future generations. This farmer’s dedication to continuously improve his farm’s practices and driving positive change in the agricultural industry is truly admirable. 

Though Jordan has a passion for nurturing the land and producing top-notch products, financial challenges and negative public perceptions are still a prominent occurrence. Even through these hardships, Jordan is certain that there’s nothing he’d rather do. 

While significant changes cannot happen overnight, the ongoing improvements by Victoria Potato Farms are contributing to a more sustainable and thriving agricultural industry. Join us in celebrating Victoria Potato Farm Inc. as they continue to be a pillar in PEI’s agricultural community!