Carl and Nevin Robinson

Introducing Nevin Robinson of Searletown, PEI, a third-generation farmer and proud co-owner of Carl and Nevin Robinson. With a focus on table stock potatoes, Nevin cultivates three russet potato varieties: Caribou, Mountain Gem and Goldrush. He works alongside his father, Carl, carrying on the family farming legacy.

Nevin’s love for farming began in childhood, and he continues to enjoy the ever-changing nature of the profession. From the smell of our characteristic red soils to the joys of fieldwork, he finds the variability of his days to be quite refreshing.

“It’s not like a 9-5 job. You never know what’s going to happen day-to-day, but in the end, it’s worth it.”

Nevin Robinson, Carl and Nevin Robinson

While the last few years have been challenging due to rising costs and uncertainty, Nevin remains optimistic about the future of the industry due to growing collaborations. He stays informed about innovations in the sector through information sharing with other farmers in the EPAA group.

“My favourite part about being involved with the EPAA is learning about practices others have been trying.”

Nevin Robinson, Carl and Nevin Robinson

Nevin’s dedication to his farm and the environment shines through his commitment to sustainable practices. Aware of the importance of preserving the land for future generations, Nevin actively enhances his farming practices to be more environmentally friendly. By making careful choices in crop selection and working to reduce erosion, he hopes to not only improve soil health but also achieve better crop yields. For example, Nevin found that using cover crops such as sorghum sudangrass and brown mustard has resulted in the best potato yields that he’s seen in over 15 years!

The Robinsons have also adopted various other measures to promote sustainability. For instance, it is common practice for the farm to use soil-building rotation crops, implement erosion control structures (berms, grass waterways, diversion terraces) and adopt precision agriculture technologies.

Overall, Nevin stands as a testament to the resilience and passion of PEI farmers. His dedication to his family farm, his community, and the environment embodies the true meaning of sustainable agriculture. By staying informed and adopting sustainable measures, Nevin is confident that his hard work will show future generations that change is possible in the face of a warming climate.