Demonstrate the performance of different potato varieties under irrigated conditions to measure the response for reducing water wastage and nutrient leaching
Project lead: Steve Watts (Genesis Crop Systems Inc.)

This project analyzes how different varieties of potatoes perform under supplemental irrigation conditions to determine which potato variety produces the best yield with our limited irrigation capacity on PEI. The project evaluates the performance of 6 varieties that are suitable for French fry production.
Due to recent dry summers and unpredictable weather patterns, many potato producers are investing in supplemental irrigation to ensure that their crop receives a little water during periods of drought. This trial is able to give producers insight on which variety of potato does best under supplemental irrigation.

The potato varieties used in this BMP include: Russet Burbank, Prospect, Ranger Russet, Dakota Russet, Clearwater Russet, and Mountain Gem.
2 farms are participating in this trial.
Number of Soil and Water samples collected during 2020 Growing season for this project:
- 52 soil samples