Use of fall seeded cover crop following potato production
Project Leads – Ryan Barrett and Morgan McNeil (PEI Potato Board)
Soil Nitrogen Analysis completed by David Burton (Dalhousie University)

In this project researchers, agronomists and growers are working together to determine which cover crops are most successful, depending on seeding date and establishment method. Following potato production, the soil is susceptible to erosion and has some residual soil nitrate concentration vulnerable to leaching over the fall and winter months.
The use of cover crops ideally shows a reduction in soil erosion from both wind and water, a reduction in nitrate leaching to groundwater, and an improvement in soil health and soil organic matter over the long term.

Appropriate cover crops for this BMP include: Winter Rye, Barley, Oats, Winter Wheat, Winter Triticale.
8 farms are participating in this trial.
Number of Soil and Water samples collected during 2020 Growing season for this project:
- 15 soil chemistry samples
- 171 soil nitrate samples (57 per trial field @ 3 time points)
- 36 soil splash pan samples