Use of fall seeded cover crop following primary tillage.
Project Leads: Ryan Barrett and Morgan McNeil (PEI Potato Board)
Soil Nitrogen Analysis completed by David Burton (Dalhousie University)
This BMP assesses the performance of a range of cover crops planted following either moldboard ploughing or primary residue tillage in the fall before potato planting.
Currently in PEI, tillage prior to potato production is typically performed in the fall before planting potatoes the following spring. This practice leaves the soil vulnerable to erosion, if a cover crop is not planted. The use of fall seeded cover crops will reduce soil loss due to water and wind erosion, as well as preventing soil nitrate leaching that can be accelerated after fall tillage.

Appropriate cover crops for this BMP include: Winter Rye, Barley, Oats, Winter Peas, Oilseed Radish, Brown Mustard, or mixtures of Grasses and Brassica species.

8 farms are participating in this trial each year.
Number of Soil and Water samples collected during 2020 Growing season for this project:
- 8 soil chemistry samples (1 per trial field)
- 8 soil health samples (1 per trial field)
- 171 soil nitrate samples (57 per trial field @ 3 time points)
- 45 soil splash pan samples